Today was rather interesting. I spent most of the day inside a camera bag. At one point I heard the following conversation:
"Okay, let's get on the aerial tram." Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.
"Move over by the window."
"Okay, folks, here we go!"
"Our trip today will last about 4.5 minutes. We will travel about 2200 feet across, and we will be 1,178 feet above the Arkansas River once we are directly above it."
I felt us begin to move, slowly, then gradually faster, then suddenly, we jolted to a stop!
"Its okay ladies and gentlemen, that's just a power surge!"
I waited for us to begin moving again, but we remained still for what seemed like hours. Finally, we slowly began to move; almost imperceptibly at first and then the motion became more pronounced.
We moved for some time and then I felt a little bump and I heard, "Welcome to the other side. Please watch your step as you exit the tram."
Occasionally, I was able to pull the zipper of the bag back just enough to see out. This is what I saw:
Whoa, a power surge hanging high above the land. I'm glad that you and your owners are okay!